I must be odd. Aren't people usually excited to decorate their own home? Make it their own space? Like I said, I must be odd. I suck at decorating. Therefore I don't like doing it. I do feel somewhat accomplished though. This past weekend I actually went to the store and printed pictures!! You're probably wondering how this could ever be an accomplishment? Well I've been in my home since March 2012. It's exactly a year later and I am NOW finally putting pictures up. Sad huh? I had a few picture frames from my wedding and bridal shower and baby shower but they were empty. Were. Now they finally have our pictures in them! This past weekend when I printed pictures I printed at least 300. At least. I spent Saturday night putting pictures in frames and photo albums. Now our home finally has some life in it! It looks like people a family actually lives here. :) Also I FINALLY got a baby book. I'm only five months late. Do you have any idea how hard it is remembering the exact date of something? It's hard. But I did fill out everything and now it's up to date until the next big thing.
Hopefully I'll post a lot more than I have been. Maybe I'll get some inspiration to do it more often. :) Until next time.